The Poorly Rich! #Part6

I sat at the window with my Daisy and my pen that night, I wondered what to write..
"Aren't you bored of the same story by me everyday? I mean it's never different. It's always me and him, the same happenings, the same hate and the same drama." I asked Daisy.
Daisy flipped it's pages to the times when he was a good father. Those were the pages written by mom at the time when I was 2-3 years old. I've inherited Daisy once I knew how to write, till then mom recorded every happening in these pages and yes, there was a time when he was a father to me, when I mattered to him, when we celebrated my first birthday.
My first birthday, my Daisy has a snap of it, where me, dad and mommy are posing for the camera with smiles on our face. I still have a translucent memory of that day at the back of my mind, where I was dressed as a fairy with a magic wand, I've always fantasized about a magical world so my dad had converted the whole mansion into a MagicWorld, a place full of magic. Many people had gathered around to wish me, everyone was happy and everyone showered their blessings onto me. I could remember it as a picture perfect day. I was smiling while I tried to remember every detail of it and I dozed off at the window with the memories of my perfect past.


#Maisha ❤


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