On The Roof, In The Rain ❤ #Part7

Nadeem was still worried about who it was.
"You didn't tell me.. Who do you suspect?" He asked, sipping on his coffee. It was low on sugar but the magic of her fingers made the coffee magically sweet for him.
"Umm.. Let's not get into that. That's a long story." Sarah rolled her eyes and shrugged the question off.
Her expressions, her smile, her chuckle had a evil spell in them. His mind was captivated by every move she made. He registered every gesture of her as if he was a camera to capture every moment of her.
Nadeem finished his coffee and took permission for his departure.
"In case you need my help at any point of the day, just call me on this number." Nadeem offered his contact number to her.
"That's sweet. I'll save it." She smiled and with this they parted their ways.

Nadeem thought to himself, 'Was she genuinely like that or she just chose to be like that with me? I don't think she could be faking it to me? I mean why would she?'
The most important question in his blunder of thoughts was that whether Sarah would drop in her number or will she just toss his number out in the dustbin.

The same questions ran through Sarah's mind, whether she should text him or just let it be? What if he's not a good kinda guy? But what could be worst than Dishank?

This series of questions flooded two innocent minds. Of course, life is too hard on us to make us believe someone so instantly. Still what's the point if you don't take a risk?
Sarah did exactly what you all might have presumed.
"Heya!" She texted the guy next door.

There was no reply from the other end.
Maybe he's busy, she thought.

She did got a reply that night, but she was already asleep with the happy and terrifying memories of the day and Nadeem was a bliss, he finally knew what he wanted to. HerName. ❤ Yet the thing which still haunted him was 'Who was it?'

#Maisha ❤


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