The Last Rain Of The Season! ❤ #Part8

Ashley was in her most shabbiest attire. She was still stuck in the conflict of whether she was touched or not, and if yes, how far did he go? She wondered in the most unconscious state of her being. She knew she had to leave home but far down her heart, in the deepest pit, she knew that fear existed. She knew that she'll be followed around yet again. She didn't feel safe in her own li'l world which was like a protective shield according to her just a night before, now it too seemed haunted or maybe like a distant, unknown place. She was horrendously caught in her own shield.
Ashley decided to stay back home though she knew it wasn't of any use. She cuddled back into her bed and hid herself in her blanket to sob like a new born baby again. She desired for a bit of tranquility to return back to her and the only place she has ever gone in the quest of composure was to her diary. She got up from her bed and walked up to her cupboard.
She took out a orange Madhubani printed diary from the lowest cabinet of her cupboard. Hah! She gave that million dollar smile to it, something she forgot to do since the letters reached her. She sat down on her study table which was just under the serenity of the touch of morning rays, enlightening her room and her soul. She dragged out her drawer and took out her favourite pen which was gifted by her mother. She opened up to the last page where she had left the story she was writing, a thing which was embedded in her but was known to none.
Ashley was a writer, a beautiful, authentic writer who wrote what defined her and the beauty of her being. She has transformed her life into a perfect piece of literature. She continued writing,

He left a breath of fresh air behind kissing my hair and blowing them away from my nose. I was unaware of who he was and where he came from but I knew that he was mine. I knew he wouldn't harm me and neither was he here to leave. He'll be mine, till the end.

While Ashley wrote the caricature of her life, she noticed a silhouette of her formed on the wall as the Sun rays passed through her frame. It stroked her. She wondered if it was the answer to the second mystery. She rushed to look for the letter again and looked at the riddle of the day,

"I'm someone who looks exactly like you but just a bit darker. You see me when out in Sun and I disappear whenever you are under darkness or when it's cloudy or night."

"That's shadow. My own shadow." She muttered.
"It looks exactly like me and appears under daylight. It disappears as the night rays kiss me good night. It's definitely my shadow." She exclaimed to herself.
"It's my shadow." She shouted out loud. "The answer is my own shadow."
She felt happy to solve the mystery, and waited for the next letter, which flew down as a paper creature at her window.


#Maisha ❤


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