The Window's World - An Introduction

The world has always passed by. It walks down the streets, lanes and corners, and yet you never notice the little details which walk you by, details which consists in your world too, but they aren’t big enough to be noticed, because your own little conquest is never ending, but for him, for the bed-ridden oldie who has lived a life in all shoes, all of it was him.

Aditya Murthy, a guy who held a heart, but not the courage to walk again, a guy who remembered how life can be, but didn’t remember his name at times. He was a guy with a lost memory, and a broken leg, unclaimed by his own people, but his world was a vision through the window right beside him, and he watched the world pass by.

Every day, a new value of life lived by him, reminded him, how life isn’t just about a bed and a cramped room in a big hospital, it is about what sits along his window, and what just walks by, it’s about what stays and live forever, and about what isn’t there and never will be.

He sought a world outside his window, and that’s exactly what he found, a world which he knew, but a world he never lived in. Such was the first lesson when he started learning life again.

Learn a lesson which you might’ve but a reminder is always to live with. 


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