We Need A Revolution ~ Sachin Garg

From the time I ever laid my hands on this book, I wondered what took the author three years to come up with a new venture but now, I know what he did, and that's truly commendable.

"We Need A Revolution", a name which itself gives a feeling to come together and fight for a cause, but the cause? That's something one truly needs to know.
An island, a revolutionary, a half built house, a jeep, a tent together they only strike one thing, 'a camp site' but as you proceed with the book you'll realise that not every intuition is held to be true and such is about the relation of the cover and the book.
The book has been written with a third person prospective, describing every event and every revolution the characters put forward in the book.

The story begins with two regular Delhites out on a simple leisure trip planned to the uniqueness and calmness of the Andaman Islands. An uncle to show them around the city and make them live an adventure of a lifetime but only later do they realise that what's adventure to them was life to a few people. A simple, yet extra ordinary occurrence than their life changes for forever. 
An encounter with an aimless soul, who has aimed for much more than one can think of, Shubhrodeep Shyamchaudhary. A person who has his own theory to life, the theory of 180 days, but what is it? You'll only know once you give a read to this exemplary insurrection.
Amongst doubts and failures the two Delhities join in for a cause, a cause to save the Jarawas, a tribe in the islands of Andamans. A new journey begins only to bring about a REVOLUTION. But how far do they go, what do they gain and what was lost, that's something you need to explore on your own. 

'We need to know, whether our youth can stand in for a cause they believe in' stated the author at the New Delhi Book Launch of the book. 

Personally, I've never been so keen to finish a book so soon, but with every page my curiosity only took up to a new height. I so wish to know about these people,  a bit more now. For that's how real life is to be, we have to live for a cause and I feel that the author actually did what he truly feel for and that's how "he just brought about a revolution" by changing another perception, for this will not end here, at least not for me. 
This change will remain until the time it doesn't quench the thirst of my curiosity for these people have become a part of me, I feel for them and by the part of me, I mean the part of humanity and I guess that's all what makes a difference. Good job, Author Sahab!

Sachin Garg, the creator of this series is an Indian bestselling novelist, an first generation entrepreneur, publisher and speaker. He has authored bestsellers like Never Let Me Go; It's First Love, Just Like The Last One; I'm Not Twenty Four, I Have Been Nineteen For Five Years; Come on, inner peace, I don't have all day. He has also co founded Grapevine India Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 
After being a daddy to 4 novels, We Need A Revolution is his 5th baby and surely one of my dearest ones. It's a part of a series which will have Shubhro to lead the way to various states and union territories with a cause to stand by. Let's wait for the next, to know what all he has to make us aware of. 

It's a true revolution brought within me and I guess that's something which might have happened with every reader. A toast to the revolutionary himself. Mr. Sachin Garg, I guess 3 years of wait has actually paid off well. For I hardly use this, in fact only for the extra ordinary cases, but this ones for you, the book is SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPLIALIDOCIOUS! :)


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