On The Roof, In The Rain! ❤ #Part3
After a few hours of their first interaction by the smiles, Nadeem saw her leave. She was with a guy at her doorstep. He wondered if the guy was her boyfriend or something maybe. But as soon as he said something her face dropped. Her smile vanished. The only charm her face held was the reflection of her silver danglers which complimented well with her fair skin. She silently drove off with him, leaving him behind to wait for her to come back again.
He unpacked his stuff and assembled the house looking out of the window every now and then to see if she has come back.
On the other hand, Sarah's so called boyfriend was busy showing her off at his pool party. His male friends drooled over her, while committed ones are trying to initiate a conversation. Sarah felt out of the box, she had no idea why she was with this guy. That's when his boyfriend, Dishank called her to the DJ. Everybody's attention was at them,
"Today, I would like to ask you people to join in to celebrate our union. Didn't get it? I and Sarah are getting married."
Sarah's eye were wide open. Just a few minutes back she was giving a second thought to his relationship and now, here she is pretending to be happy about the idea of getting married to the same guy. Why wasn't she asked about it before making an official announcement? She decided to talk about it after the party gets over and she did.
"What happened today? Where did that announcement came in from? Why wasn't I asked about it?" She questioned.
"What's there to ask sweetheart? We've been together for more than a year, it's the right thing to do. You wish the same, I know." Dishank said in a matter of fact way.
"No I don't and you are no one to decide for me. It's an off from my side Dishank. We're over." She picked up her bag to leave. Dishank held her back, clutching her wrist in a tight grip.
"You can't do this. I don't take a NO for anything. If you walk off today, I'll make your life a hell."
Sarah didn't take it seriously. What's the most he can do? Harass her? Text her? Maybe he'll abuse her behind her back? What more? Nothing.
"Learn to take a NO then coz its my life and I'll live according to my wish." She said and walked off.
After months, she felt she was out of the cage she was captured in. She was free to take off a flight towards her dream. Nothing, almost nothing can hold her back to live her dream. Her dream to be a model,to walk at Paris. She was ready to take her flight, but the worst was yet to come her way.
We'll see if she's strong enough to live it. Who'll get her back? Who'll support? Stay tuned.
#Maisha ❤ :*
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