Just Don't Mention It - Book Review

While the DIMILY Series will already send your heart for a toss, be it Did I Mention I Love You? to Did I Mention I Miss You? every book by Estelle Maskame will make you believe in the power of true love, in the power of how love can complete the life of an otherwise wrecked person and it'll make you believe in the hope of forbidden relationships but this is not about the DIMILY Series, this is about what goes beyond.

Just Don't Mention It - the Tyler's story. 

I love how the names have been well played. While Eden continues to ask questions of confession, the next thing we really wanted was Tyler to say how everything is well in conscious to not to be mentioned and that's what I love about it.

There's something so beautiful about the narration of Estelle Maskame that you just won't realise when you begin to feel connected to the characters, literally fall in love with them and though I've never labelled any book to that extent but, this book and the entire DIMILY Series is my favourite book. Even though the titles hold a different cheesy story alert to itself, yet this is anything but cheesy.

Concerning life around a serious topic of child abuse, Just Don't Mention It includes the struggle of growing up in a disturbed household, when Tyler finds all kinds of distraction in life, the most beautiful one is Eden, only until things take a course, a different course, where the cupid holds a spark; but just when he realised everything was falling apart, there he was fighting another battle, to grow out of himself, to grow wiser and beyond the struggles, and he did it all for those he love, he did for himself and that's what mattered.

This book holds the same love and same Eden, but reading the inner truths of the tough Tyler Bruce, is something which will make you fall for this book all over again.

Hence, while you believe you cannot hold onto what’s forbidden, think otherwise because Tyler did. He made love to his forbidden peace.

PS - Before you lay hands on this book, get done with the entire DIMILY Series first, including all the first three parts.

You can find them here - https://www.amazon.in/Did-Mention-Love-You-Dimily/dp/0606380280


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